Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Jewellery Glossary

Cabochon glass stone in this Hollywood brooch

Below are just a four common terms used to describe jewellery both fine and costume

Cabochon - A stone with a smooth curved, highly polished and unfaceted surface. The oldest form of gem cutting still in use today.

Cameo pendant from plastic

Cameo - A gem, hardstone, shell, plastic or other materials in which the upper section is carved or molded in relief whilst the lower serves as a background.

Filigree - Delicate metal wire designed into a complex repeating pattern.
Filigree design on this brooch

Marcasite - The trade name given to the tiny bright metallic stones called iron pyrites when used in jewellery.

Marcasite clip on earrings

All jewellery available at Jewels and Finery

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