Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Second Hand Jewellery meaning explained

The terms second hand is used liberally on many websites and on auction houses, but what actually does this mean?

Antique jewellery is essentially jewellery that is at least a hundred years old or older. So Victorian jewellery and jewellery that was produced at the turn of the twentieth century or early Edwardian; can officially be called antique.

This cameo brooch is antique. Victorian or earlier - the pin is longer than todays pins. Cameos profiles can be a clue. Her nose is long which dates the cameo as older, where as a turned up nose became popular mid twentieth century onwards.

Vintage jewellery is the term that is most often miss used. Jewellery becomes vintage when it is over twenty years old. So jewellery produced in 1989 and before then - up until it becomes an antique should be classed as vintage.

This art deco brooch is classed as vintage jewellery.

Jewellery produced since 1989 up to yesterday is second hand or used. However because very few people search for second hand jewellery on the internet - we prefer to call this jewellery vintage modern. We hope this term will catch on and become more widely used.

What do you think?An antique gold coloured moth brooch is classed as vintage modern.

The plastic necklace below - would you say it was vintage or second hand?

Answer - Vintage

The necklace is an original pop it bead necklace. The plastic beads have plugs that can be pulled out and the necklace can be made into a choker or into two bracelets. Made in the 1950s, pop it jewellery was originally made for the adult market. This necklace is faceted. However children loved this type of jewellery and in the sixties the beads became more colourful and most were sold for childrens use. Wonderful to collect as they are now classed as Art plastic

Jewels and Finery

Monday, 27 July 2009

Ezinearticles by Jewels and Finery Exquisite

Vintage brooch 1960s

I have written now three articles for Ezinearticles all on the vintage jewellery by Exquisite
There is also a fourth waiting to be published

They are:

The history of Exquisite Jewellery

The Birthday Series by Exquisite

The Enamel Leaf Range by Exquiste

And shortly there will be the Souvenir Scottish jewellery Range

Each of the articles is slightly different from the information on this blog.
My only groan about Ezinearticles is that you can not add photographs
So here are some photographs of Vintage Exquisite jewellery

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Beads beads and more vintage beads

The history of beads goes way back
Our ancestors relied on them for their supposed magical powers.

Beads were used to trade through out the world. Maybe we should take up this age old tradition? Though I don't think it would work now - "swap you this vintage dusky pink pearl necklace for two cans of beans and three bottles of vodka" would definitely be an escort out of the supermarket. But by trade, beads from China and Italy found their way into this country in ancient times.

Victorians stitched beads to their clothing and in the sixties, hippies used them to decorate their "pad"
Beading reflected the times. In the fifties beading household items such as curtains, lamps, coasters and crochet covers became popular. However during the sixties and seventies many returned to their roots; using natural materials for beads such as seeds, gemstones and wood. For example jade had a revival in the seventies

Today we are lucky to have access to many wonderful different types of beads in many materials form freshwater pearls to bright coloured plastic beads and vintage glass beads of every type. So why is it that many stores just stock the same looking types?

Traditionally "hard time" such as war and recession usually sees a turn towards bright beads and jewellery as people wish to feel happier. This is followed by an about turn from the very often plastic kitschy to a more somber natural materials. Watch and see........

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Owl Brooches added recently to Jewels and Finery

Just a quick blog to say we have added a few more vintage brooches in the last few days
Below is an antique brooch from Scotland.

Antique Scottish Thistle Brooch

Then we have added some cameo brooches including this bar one of the three muses

Vintage Cameo Brooch Three Muse

A vintage signed brooch from Napier of a green eyed owl

Vintage Green Eyed Owl Brooch Signed Napier

Just a few of the brooches for sale added to the website in the last few days. More to be added today and through out this week

Brooches are ideal for adding to clothes - Either wear on a lapel of a jacket or coat, on a T-shirt, add to a bag or to a hat. They just brighten up your outfit. Vintage brooches are often better made than more recent ones and of a huge variety from floral, birds, animals, contemporary, comical, figural, names, sun, moon, stars and so many more..........

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Using Dress Clips and Scarf Clips as necklaces

The idea of using dress clips and scarf clips was one of the subjects discussed a few months ago on the Jewelry Ring. A few members used their dress clips as necklaces with a thick chain.

So when the question came up on how to use sweater guards or sweater clips (collar clips) on Queens of Vintage I first answered as for dress clips, but on realizing that the question meant sweater clips. Another use could still be as a necklace

Hunting through the boxes full of vintage jewellery for sweater clips I could only find a pair of Victorian Chatelaines, not clips. But the principle would be the same for dress clips as would sweater and scarf clips

Experiment with the thickness of chain necklaces and other materials such as mock pearl bead necklaces and chokers. Some clips will sit well but others will not.

This is a pair of Victorian Scottish dancers double brooches joined by a chain known as a chatelaine brooch. Sweater clips have alligator clips that are similar to the clips on men's tie bars or tie clips.

Here is an assortment of clips dress and scarf clips that I have to experiment with.

First I tried a square link necklace but the only clip that fitted fairly well was the dress clip, the others were too loose. I would suggest that sweater clips would sit well on this type of chain necklace

Next tried a chunky silver metal chain. This time the dress clip did not fit as the chain was too bulky, but the scarf clips were well suited as the chunkiness held the clip quite secure

Looking through necklaces and chokers that would be suitable, I came across this mock pearl bead work choker

Again the 1930s scarf clips were too bulky but the dress clip sat firm and looked quite unique. A similar bead work necklace would be ideal for sweater clips also.

Finally took some thick long chains and tried fitting the clips.

Both dress and scarf clips fitted very well. However sweater clips would slip along the chain unless they were small enough to fit side by side

Have fun with fitting clips to chains and experimenting. Would love to see how others get on

Friday, 17 July 2009

Ciro Pearls Advert 1966

Today I am posting a Ciro Pearls & Jewels advert from the Woman's Own Magazine dated week ending 12th March 1966

First the full advertWhere Ciro Pearl jewellery can be obtained in the UK

Then the advert in two parts - why Ciro Pearl rings should be brought as they were inexpensive but beautiful, looking like the real thing.

Rings were available as handsome dress rings in various stones
Besides rings in Ciro Pearls and diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires, the worlds most successful imitations, also available in white zircons, cultured pearls, marcasite and other stones

Vintage jewellery (jewelry) from Ciro Pearls very collectible today

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Moved to

Tool the plunge and moved this blog to our websites name yesterday.Unfortunately it did not go to plan - our website Jewels and Finery was off line for nearly 20 hours. All fixed now and back up running.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Enamel Jewellery listed recently

Leaf Cluster Necklace signed Jewelcraft

We have been updating and moving products in the last 3 weeks. Almost finished and hope to have sorted the site by the end of this week!!

Have so much to add to Jewels and Finery soon

We have however added these pieces in the last couple of weeks

Vintage Parrot Brooch Pin

Silver Wedgwood Medusa Cameo Necklace

A beautiful necklace in a silver metalic green enamel by Jewelcraft who also came under the name Coro

A cheerful vintage parrot pin brooch, ideal for a hat or t-shirt. Very well made piece of vintage jewellery

And last but not least a silver sterling cameo pendant and chain. The cameo is of medusa and was produced by Wedgwood and so is ideal to collect because the company is no longer producing jewellery

We just have to finish our range of craft books (mostly used books and some new ones) and then the patterns. Then we can continue to add the large amount of beautiful vintage and antique jewellery, beads, buttons and books. Not mentioning the patterns and findings, etc

In the last few weeks we have also been photographing the Christmas jewellery for adding in late August. Found it strange to be thinking about Christmas in the summer months but it is something that has to be organized

Our next blogs will be on cleaning vintage buttons and also an update on Exquisite - their Scottish brooches. Hopefully before the weekend is out!!