Just an update on some of the jewellery that I have now re-enameled. In my last post on this subject, I had just started to try out my enameling skills! Not the greatest painter in the world LOL
Anyhow here are a few brooches that I have since painted.
Still the only female in our local model shop and have slowly brought more colours to my enameling tin for use.

Anyhow here are a few brooches that I have since painted.
Still the only female in our local model shop and have slowly brought more colours to my enameling tin for use.
This is a large vintage snowdrop brooch from Exquisite. the snowdrop flower is part of the Birthday Series and this is January

The violet brooch again part of the vintage jewellery range produced by Exquisite (1914 to 1979)

Another vintage brooch by Exquisite. This one is the Christmas (December) flower in the Birthday Series

One of the Leaf Series with their fruit pieces of jewellery from Exquisite. The name of this brooch escapes me at the moment - having brain lag and the need to do this blog in 5 minutes flat!

This is the smaller version of the Snowdrop vintage brooch by Exquisite

This plastic brooch was an experiment. It looked as thought it had a chip out of it. So have tried painting some of the parts. Will now need to buy some flesh coloured enamel to complete.
Two coats are better, leaving to dry well in between as the colour does not chip off so easily then.
All these brooches I will be keeping for myself, but this is just to give an idea on what you can achieve - especially if you are more an artist than I - Have fun
Vintage jewellery available on Jewels and Finery that is enameled.
That's all I have time for now - off to our first jumble sale of the years. Love jumble sales, you never know what you will find, books, material for patchwork and crazy quilting, embroidered and crochet table covers and lots more.
Is the snowdrop brooch available for purchase? I'd really like to have it for my wedding this September.