Sunday, 14 February 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

Valentine's day is essentially for the young or unattached. The thrill of receiving your first Valentine card from an admirer is wonderful and you spend the day on a high.
As the years pass by - when you are married or in a long term relationship. It either becomes a day that is like any other and each of you take no notice of this day of love. Or it becomes a time that each shows that they still care by sending a card or flowers or a small present.

I am very lucky and my husband of 23 years, will tell me almost daily that he still loves me. He is my best friend and I would be lost without him.

Today he sent me a couple of bunches of flowers. These were added to the bunch of daffodils he gave me on Friday.

We spent the morning together as usual on a Sunday. Then back to visiting parents and completing the Sunday chores ready for work on Monday. We would much rather go out for a meal together, when it is quieter and less rushed. Also I have been increasingly tired since last week and I am hoping that I do not have another relapse. So rest is essential at the moment.

Red is the colour of attraction and it is said that if you wear red you are more likely to attract attention.

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