Sunday, 7 March 2010

Cameos Old & New Anna M Miller - Book Review

At the beginning of this year, I decided to buy a book a month. Each book would be to increase my knowledge about antique and vintage jewellery. So far I have brought 2 books a month - okay so I can't count LOL

The truth is I love book and can not wait for my latest purchase to arrive. So when the 4Th edition of Cameos Old and New by Anna M Miller which has been revised and updated by Diana Jarrett caught my eye - It just had to buy it.
I already have the 3rd edition and was very pleased to find the latest books on cameos contained more excellent information

The book is for anyone new to cameos, experienced collectors, cameo jewellery dealers and also curators.
It is a fully comprehensive reference guide to:

  • Where to hunt for cameos
  • How to recognize - old from new, imitation and newer synthetic materials from original shell or stone cameos
  • How to differentiate between ultrasonically produced and hand-carved cameos

 The book has loads more pages of photographs than the last, with the new cameo's illustrated that are being made today. Extensive and well-written chapters on cameos from their history, materials past and present to today's worldwide cameo designers 
Overall well worth buying if you are interested in cameos.
Taken from the book three examples that are included in the list of the twenty most common subjects of cameos:
The three muses, Medusa and profile of an anonymous female; the lady cameo that is mass-produced in stone and shell.

My interest in cameos has included the twentieth and twenty-first century costume jewellery type.
Particularly the one profile that is seen most often, I have christened her the popular goddess!
She does differ across productions as some vintage and second-hand ones tend to be plainer, whereas someones she is moulded more beautiful with flowing clothes, hair and flowers.  Some of the ones produced have a point at the end of her nose instead of round.


Seventies vintage cameo earrings clip-on style
Notice the profile of the popular goddess is quite plain

Again the cameo on this choker - she is plain in detail
Estimate the choker is the sixties to early seventies.




Note the last three have a sharper point to her nose

These cameos have been produced in all different types of jewellery with a variety of coloured backgrounds. From bracelets, necklaces, brooches, earrings and scarf clips. Even on the heel of a shoe or front!
Elegant shoe produced by Wedgwood and information on their cameos 

Jewels and Finery Vintage Cameo Jewellery
Selection of our antique and vintage cameo jewellery. More cameo jewels to be added soon as we have them photographed and ready to list

Just have fun collecting and wearing cameos whatever they are made of or age.

Next book review will be one about Kenneth J Lane's jewellery and life, so please feel free to bookmark this blog


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