Monday, 13 September 2010

Lots of Pre owned Jewellery added

We have had a few changes to Jewels and Finery. A whole new category with all the later jewellery from 1980s up to the present day called Pre Owned second hand jewellery. As well as continuing to add many more pieces of both antique and vintage jewellery
Soon we will add the Christmas jewellery that we have sourced, later than planned but should be this week. Below is a french jet necklace and vintage bow brooch with a blue faceted diamante.

Busy also with our other website Jewels and Finery craft adding daily vintage beads, buttons and craft supplies.
Each item is available mostly only once as such is the nature of the uniqueness, below are some unusual green marbled vintage beads and French souvenir charms.

Summer is over and Autumn approaches. Now have a glut of home grown tomatoes and will have to make a whole batch of tomato chutney this week. Can also feel apple pie beckoning as my mother has a bumper crop of apples again this year. Love growing our own food and cooking and just starting to get organized to find ways on how to do the things that I want to again. Any bar stools manufacturers out there - can you make a stool that has a cushioned back in and does not require mountaineering skills to sit down. So that I can sit to prepare food? Frustrating when you know what you want but can not find it. - story of my life really.

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