Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Celtic Penannular Brooches

A very popular design in Celtic jewellery is the penannular brooch. One original brooch was found in Ireland and was said to be from the Medieval period in history (6 - 7 AD). It seems that they were poplar in England, Scotland and Ireland during this period. But this shape brooch has been found in the Iron Age, Viking and Roman periods.

Originally the pin could move freely around the ring and was used to fasten cloaks and other loose woven cloth garments.  Unisex brooch that was favored by men on the shoulders to fasten cloaks and by women who wore this just below their neckline and in between their bosom. The pin part is worn facing upwards.


Today the penannular brooch is reproduced in one piece and represents the original brooch pin.  Made by many companies with the Mizpah signed ones most found for vintage designer jewellery. Who's designs are now owned by the company Miracle

Great Celtic piece of reproduction jewellery to wear on a coat lapel or a hat. 

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