Sunday, 1 March 2015

This years witch themed jewellery collection

So each year I choose a geek theme for jewellery to collect. So for this year (2015) I decided on witch themed jewellery. Well I have had aliens and dinosaurs over the last few years, so I like a different challenge. It has to be fairly cheap and interesting and can be old or new. This is what I already have below and around Halloween I will show just what I may have collected in the next few months.
Well witches on broomsticks are quite easy..

Witch brooch by Kirks Foley

This dazzling witch on a broomstick brooch is by Kirks Foley.

Enamel witch brooch

All enamel witch on broom stick brooch in my own collection already.

Well witches have cats and so this jewellery theme expands into cats and pumpkins and broomsticks.....

Cat on pumpkin brooch

Black cat on a pumpkin brooch - the familiar of witches a black cat. Though I thought they only came in that color, as we always end up with a real one that has black in them if not totally black!

Cat on broomstick brooch by Avon

Love this simple cat on broomstick brooch by Avon. Its now vintage but can still be found to buy online.

Witches of East End necklaces
Witches of East End necklaces in red and green

Do you recognise these necklaces - one in red and one in green. Well for anyone who did not see the show "Witches of East End" This is a copy of the necklace that is worn by Wendy Beauchamp. It was originally green but turned to red when she had just one life left. Found these very cheap on that online website that sells everything and they are from where else - China!

Hematite pentagram necklace

The five star pentagram in this pentagram necklace has its association with witch craft, so I have included it in this witch themed jewellery collection. This one is very cool to the touch being in metallic grey haematite/hematite.
Green witch ring from Greggs

That is it for now. So said earlier I will post all what I have managed to collect later this year and will included the shows that have witches in - so that's the Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Hobbit and more..

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