Saturday, 14 December 2019

O and P Understanding jewellery marks

O to P, In Understanding Jewellery Marks series.

Looking for jewellery marks to understand the company and designers. Then you have come to the right place. This is a guide full of information from O to P with photos of the marks to aid identification and help understand.

A- B | C - D | E - F | G - H | I - J | K - L | M - N | Q, R - S | T, U - V | X, Y - Z 

Oasis - mid-1990s to today. A British company that sells both vintage & contemporary jewellery and clothing worldwide.

Partridge Fred T - Part of Ashbee's Guild and School of Handicrafts. Produced exquisite combs inspired by French Art Nouveau. Used brass, horn shell and steel materials. Married to May Hart.  

Past Times - 1986 - 2012. Past times sold historical and reproduction history jewellery, accessories as well as home furnishings, books, makeup and more. The jewellery came in their trade logo boxes. But unfortunately does not appear to have been signed. Nice quality and an excellent historical version of jewellery to wear.

Pell 1941 - present-day, Company situated in Long Island, New York, USA. Produced fake jewellery of good quality the simulated "fine" jewellery. Uses rhinestones, crystals and other stones. The family business started by brother's Gaita.

PL - unknown but probably an Asian manufacturer from the 1980s and 1990s. This is a registered trademark. Note the R in a circle - small next to the PL stamp. This is the registered mark of a company. If no R or copyright sign - then not a company brand. But be aware that PL can also be meaning plated metal. It can also be mean platinum.

Poole - see Pottery jewellery for Poole and more information soon.
poole pottery dolphin brooch

poole pottery dolphin brooch

Princess Pearls - Unknown company. Hangtag on a faux pearl necklace.

Principles - 1984 - today (Under the Debenhams umbrella of brands) Fashion stores across the UK, that closed in 2009. First under the Burton's Group, then Arcadia Group, Rubicon Retail & Mosaic Fashions.

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